Here's basically the same thing, written a bit differently: set sleepMs=3000 & set sleepVbs=%temp%\sleep.vbs & echo WScript.Sleep WScript.Arguments(0) > %sleepVbs% & cscript %sleepVbs% %sleepMs% //B & del %sleepVbs%Īnd then finally, like ping, CScript itself has a timeout option! So, if you enter an infinite loop in the script, you can let the interpreter enforce the duration. but you can use timenanosleep (), i.e: To sleep for 1/10 of a second ( 0.1 ): timenanosleep (0, 100000000) To sleep for 1/100 of a second ( 0.01 ): timenanosleep (0, 10000000) To sleep for 1/1000 of a second ( 0.001 ): timenanosleep (0, 1000000) Share. echo WScript.Sleep 3000 > %temp%\sleep.vbs & cscript %temp%\sleep.vbs %sleepMs% //B & del %temp%\sleep.vbs PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page, but it now stands for the recursive initialism PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. The PHP reference implementation is now produced by The PHP Group. It was originally created by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. The script does the sleeping for you (for 3 seconds in this example). PHP is a general-purpose scripting language geared toward web development. This is your only pratical alternative: usleep Delay execution in microseconds. The setInterval () method continues calling the function until clearInterval () is called, or the window is closed. synchronization PHP sleep() in milliseconds. added: Arduino millis () skips 6 out of 256 values in the low 8 bits. 16 bit unsigned micros can count to 65 ms. If you want ms accurate timing, don't use millis (). Here's a one liner, to create a temp script, execute it, then delete it. The setInterval () method calls a function at specified intervals (in milliseconds). This way you could use the RTC output to connect to a counter input, to have it count the RTC pulses while sleeping. Using the technique illustrated here, you can mix the two (not "seamlessly", but "functionally".). Often VBS can do things that batch cannot, or at the very least do so with drastically more ease. The basis of this solution has all sorts of application beyond this. After that, I agree that the ping "kludge" is perhaps the next best option, as it is very simple. but you can use timenanosleep (), i.e: To sleep for 1/10 of a second ( 0.1 ): timenanosleep (0, 100000000) To sleep for 1/100 of a second ( 0. The timer resolution dictates the minimum interval of a Timer control and the minimum Sleep () period. Timer () and GetTickCount are accurate to the systems timer resolution which varies from system to system typically 10-20 ms. But as noted in the comments, that's not always an option (e.g. Date () and Now () are accurate to the second. Disclaimer: this is not the "ideal" solution, so don't bother beating me over the head with that like done to those recommending ping.